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SoulCollage® For Writers: A Path To Creativity

Find Your Creativity

SoulCollage® is a highly accessible expressive arts activity for exploring and enhancing our creative gifts and the innate wisdom that exists within us. Through the use of images, SoulCollage® helps fire up our creative juices and offers us a uniquely right-brained way to excavate knowledge and ideas that can benefit our writing practice and projects. In this interactive, generative session, you’ll learn the basics of the SoulCollage® method, then jump right in to create cards that we’ll engage with via imaginative writing prompts. Psychologist Carl Jung said, “Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.” This workshop will provide a fun way to help unpack the mysteries of your writing projects and aspirations, while energizing you for the creative path ahead!

Supplies Needed: Pen Journal/Paper Two 5x8 pieces of cardstock or cardboard Scissors Glue Stick Several magazines filled with images of people, animals, objects, and larger nature or background settings

IMPORTANT: There are only 15 seats in this workshop. Sign up early to save your spot.

About Kimberly:

Kimberly Lee left the practice of law some years ago to focus on motherhood, community work, and creative pursuits. A graduate of Stanford University and UC Davis School of Law, she is a senior editor and contributor at Literary Mama, and a workshop facilitator certified by Amherst Writers and Artists, The Center for Journal Therapy, and SoulCollage®. She is a teaching artist at Hugo House and Loft Literary and serves on the board of the Transformative Language Arts Network. Kimberly’s work has appeared in Fresh Ink, Words and Whispers, Minerva Rising, Toyon, The Ekphrastic Review, F(r)iction, LA Parent, I Am Woman: Expressions of Black Womanhood, and elsewhere. She lives in Southern California with her husband and three children.

Earlier Event: October 24
Open Mic (Babes Only)