Upcoming Themes

The Monthly Theme is intended to act as a prompt to help writers tell their stories. Writers are free to interpret the theme in anyway as long as the story is true and about the writer. Before submitting a story be sure to check out our guidelines. 

Want personalized feedback?

You can now receive helpful feedback by selecting the “Personalized Critique” option on our submissions page. While getting your work critiqued does not guarantee publication, we can help you make it great for your next submission, whether it's to us or someone else. We also offer personal editorial services.

All accepted stories RECEIVE a $20 payment

Interested in sponsoring one of our monthly themes? Check out our media kit.


2023 Themes

January -

Abortion Stories

Februry -

Love Stories

March -

Mental Health

April -

Women at Work

May -


June -


July -

Women of Faith

August -


September -

Period Stories

October -

Stories That Haunt Us

November -

Thanks, I Guess

December -

Winter Stories