Write Your Way Forward

Write Your Way Forward


Led by Christy Wopat, author of Almost a Mother: Love, Loss, and Finding Your People When Your Baby Dies, this workshop will walk you through several different techniques to use writing as a therapeutic tool for grief expression. Please note that grief doesn’t just apply to death – there are many different types of loss! Writing can help you get "unstuck" in many different areas of your life. You’ll leave with ways to express yourself in your grief, both just for you and for publication if applicable.

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About Christy:

Christy Wopat is a teacher and writer who never wants anyone to feel alone. Her award-winning memoir, Almost a Mother: Love, Loss, and Finding Your People When Your Baby Dies, was published by Orange Hat Publishing in 2018, followed by Always Ours, an illustrated picture book about remembering our loved ones, and After All: Pregnancy After Your Baby Dies, was released in June of 2022. Her personal essays have been featured in Still Standing Magazine and The Educator’s Room, among others. Christy also chairs the Events Committee for the Wisconsin Writers Association and is an active member of SCBWI. Christy lives with her husband and kids in Holmen, Wisconsin. She is repped by Tina Schwartz at the Purcell Agency. www.christywopat.com.

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