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Short Story Summer: Seven Week Intensive

Let’s Write!

From conception to submission. Let’s get this summer started.

Writing a short story doesn’t happen in one session. It takes multiple drafts to get it right, to match the outside story with the inside story. In this seven week course we will work on a single short story from conception to submission. The seven week sessions will include generative brainstorming, short story craft analysis, multiple workshops, and detailed line by line feedback and edits. Plus, we’ll talk about submission venues, cover letters, and when to know if your story is ‘finished.’

Fifteen seats available - for the course to run at least five seats need to be filled.

Tuition fee also includes a one on one editorial consultation with Julia.

The Schedule:

Week One: Generative Writing & Craft Analysis

Week Two: Drafting (No meeting)

Week Three: Workshop

Week Four: Drafting and applying feedback (No Meeting)

Week Five: Workshop

Week Six: Submission and cover letter conversation

Week Seven: One last workshop

The Important Stuff: All sessions last 2 hours and take place in the central time zone. Participants who sign up should be able to attend all sessions with the exception of unforeseen emergencies. This particular session is for fiction writers only. Be on the lookout for a nonfiction session coming soon.


Babes Who Write: $215
Nonmember: $295

About Julia

Julia Nusbaum is a Pushcart nominated writer, with work appearing in Oranges Journal, Moon Cola, and elsewhere. She is an MFA candidate at Columbia College Chicago where she teaches undergraduate English. She lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her partner and son.